New Mama

Thursday, March 30, 2006

And so it begins...

I did it. I helped create a monster. Not really, but come August, it may feel that way. I found Red Sox Monopoly on ebay. I didn't know they made that. I called my hubby who was not too surprised. We may bid on one at a later time, no big deal. Then I found a Yankees Monopoly game with a Collectors Edition Yankees Vs. Red Sox Chess Set, complete with chess-size figurines of popular players. The monster has been unleashed. He is ecstatic! Okay, so I'm a little dramatic, not to mention excited myself. I love looking for Red Sox memorabilia for him. This Chess set even caught my eye.
Now it leads me to another question....What next? We probably already have basketball and football chess. I'd like to see Disney vs. Warner Brothers. Can you picture that? Dorothy fighting Aurora (she's the princess in Sleeping Beauty, for those of you who don't know Disney), the wicked witch of the west fighting Malefecent (I probably misspelled that...She's the evil witch in Sleeping Beauty), it could get pretty juicy. Honestly though, I would like to see a Through the Looking-Glass chess set. The whole book is supposed to be a giant chess game, could you imagine how much fun it would be to play it out with actual pawns shaped like the characters? That would be wicked!!! Harry Potter chess would be fun too. Draco facing off against Dumbledore again....
Speaking of the departed...I have one thing and one thing only to say about book seven...Hermione better not die!!!! There, that's off my chest now...All better.
Hope is napping *I think* She's quiet, so that's good enough for me. Speaking of quiet, I would like to take this moment to thank the creators of Sesame Street, and also of those beloved Baby Einstein DVD's. Hope loves them. On Sesame Street this morning, I caught a clip of some balloon guy leaving. He told Snuffy and Big Bird he had to go to Mister Roger's Neighborhood to sell balloons, "It's probably a beautiful day there." he said. I was rolling. I told my hubby, who wondered if any toddlers get the joke. I doubt they do... You know you're a parent when...The joke of the day is found on Sesame Street....
Hope has not had any major achievements today. Last night she laughed at the right moment in the play. Katie and Jason were reciting lines, and one really is supposed to be funny, and Hope smiled and laughed. Everyone watching caught it, Katie and Jason were clueless. It's too bad we can't put her on stage yet, she would steal the show! Maybe she should be an aborted baby in Tilly. She might be big enough by the time we're ready. I did dream that she said two new words, but when I woke up I couldn't remember them. I think that's all I have to say for now. Until next time,

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Shopping Blues

What on earth was I thinking? Why did I think shopping for jeans would actually make me feel better??? Thank goodness for Baby Einstein. The book kept Hope semi-entertained. Hope had two big falls. The first was out of the infant carrier, head first on the floor. The second was, well, I don't remember how she had that one, actually. I know my hubby and I were both embarrassed. I guess if she makes it through the day with only two big falls, we're doing good.

Prayer of Praise!!! For TWO nights in a row, I repeat, TWO Hope has not only slept through the night, she kept herself entertained when she woke up!!! I am so happy! That's a bigger milestone, to me. *Hopefully* that will mean no more night time feedings!!!

As for the new Britney Spears issue, I commend the sculptor. I think we should be honoring the pregnant body, in any way possible. The photos of the stars nude and pregnant, or just pregnant, reinforce that there is a life there. Sure, in this case, it is practically born, but so are the babies who are killed in third-trimester abortions (does the term partial-birth not resonate with anyone? How thick can you get?)

Speaking of abortion, health classes should read the book Tilly by Frank pretty. It would never pass, but people really should read it. I'm performing the play right now, and it is truly moving. The play touches that the abortion was performed by a married mother of three partly-grown children. It steers clear of the helpless rape or incest victim the media feeds us. Most Americans feel in drastic cases, abortion should be legal, I agree, but that's not why most are performed. That disturbs me. Okay, soapbox here, I'll leave it.... Point is, kids need to know why people have abortions, and that it does not have to be your only way out.

Wow, I just realized how much I wrote. It's amazing how my mood is improved when I have a full night sleep. Sadly, laundry is calling my name...

Monday, March 27, 2006

New Blog

This should be great! I hope I like blogging. Hope was pretty good today. She fussed in the store, but what can I expect? I hate the rain. I hope it stops soon. I can't wait for summer. I want to dress her in all the pretty little outfits she has. She's working on walking. I would like to see her walking within the month, but it does make me nervous.